
Thursday, September 12, 2019

My wacky animal report on the Tiggie!

Wacky Animal Literacy Project

LI: to merge two animals together to create a new wacky animal that is represented by the combined
characteristics of both the individual animals.

How did I do it: I used my imagination to give this animal a unique personality

Reflection: I think I should have made it more decorative

Question for audience: What would you have called this creature?


  1. I dont care I love it

  2. Hi Caylee,
    Your Tiggie is so cute and adorable. I like how you did a little bit of writing.
    I love it so much

  3. I like the wacky animal it looks so cool you could have added pitchers to.

  4. Your Tiggie seems so cute yet so powerful, maybe next time you could add some photos
